{{tab.index}} {{tab.displayName}}
SafeFarm is completely free to all shareholders.
We need your Farmlands card to verify that you are a shareholder. Your card will not be charged at any point for using the service
You are almost there!
All you need to do now is activate your account.
We have sent an email containing a verification link to {{dataService.email}}.
Simply follow the link in the email to start using the software right away!
If you need any assistance, or can't find the email, you can contact support on 0800 myHERD (69 4373).
Your new farm has been added to your organisation!
Click here to logout. This will refresh your data to work with the new farm.
We have sent an email containing an account activiation link to {{dataService.email}}.
They will need to follow this link to gain access to the farm.
Click here to access your farms.
Thank you for joining {{tabService.companyName ? tabService.companyName : 'FarmIQ'}}
Your account, farms, and organisation have been created in FARMIQ!
We have sent an email to {{dataService.email}}
You can follow the link in the email to be automatically logged in or alternatively you can click on the button below
Log in
Firstly who do you do Herd Record with currently?
Type cannot be empty
You must accept these terms
Username is required
Password is required

Sorry, we cannot find your account

Participant code is required
Must be in the pattern ABCD
Participant code is required
Must be in the pattern ABCD
Start date is required
Signing up to SafeFarm will only take a few minutes, you'll just need your Farmlands Card and access to a PC to ensure you're getting the best outcome possible. The sign up process works best in Google Chrome and Internet Explorer web browsers.
Verify your Farmlands Card
Your card will not be charged at any point for using the service
Card is required
Card number can't be longer than 25 characters
This is not a valid Farmlands card number. If you are sure it is a valid Farmlands card number contact support on 0800 myHERD (69 4373)
Month is required
Year is required
CVV is required
Show card help
Hide card help
Account name is required
Account name can't be longer than 255 characters
Name on card is required
Name on card can't be longer than 255 characters
Agreement to Terms & Conditions
You must accept the terms and conditions
Enter farm details
Farm name is required
Farm name can't be longer than 255 characters
This farm name is currently in use
Farm name cannot have special characters
Organisation name is required
Organisation name can't be longer than 255 characters
This organisation name is currently in use
Organisation name cannot have special characters
Stock units is required
Herd size is required
Farm address
Address is required
Address can't be longer than 50 characters
Address 2 can't be longer than 50 characters
Address 3 can't be longer than 50 characters
Town is required
Town can't be longer than 255 characters
Region is required
Postcode is required
Postcode can't be longer than 4 characters
Farm name is required
Farm name can't be more than 255 characters
Farm name must be unique
Address is required
Address can't be longer than 50 characters
Address 2 can't be longer than 50 characters
Address 3 can't be longer than 50 characters
Town is required
Town can't be longer than 255 characters
Region is required
Postcode is required
Postcode can't be longer than 4 characters
Set up your farm map
We could not find a FarmsOnLine farm with this number
FarmsOnLine number must be in the format AA-9999-8888 or AA99998888.
Draw your farm boundary
Use the search below to zoom in and locate your farm on the map. When you are ready to draw your farm boundary, click 'Ready to draw'.
Please note: This is not an address finder. Search for towns, or landmarks such as mountains or rivers.
We could not find a FarmsOnLine farm with this number
FarmsOnLine number must be in the format AA-9999-8888 or AA99998888.
Add farmsonline Add boundary You can draw a maximum of five boundaries
  1. Click on the map to start drawing your farm boundary.
  2. Click again to create a new point.
  3. Click on the red circle to close up your boundary shape.
  4. Click and drag points to change position.
  • Edit
  • Delete
Boundary name is required
Boundary name can't be more than 255 characters
Boundary name must be unique
Total area is required
Boundary area can't be less than 0
Boundary area can't be bigger than 199999
Effective area is required
Boundary area can't be less than 0
Boundary area can't be bigger than 199999
Cultivatable area is required
Boundary area can't be less than 0
Boundary area can't be bigger than 199999
Please select the enterprise/s on your farm and the area of land used for each enterprise
Total area {{getTotalArea()}} (ha)
Boundary area to assign: {{getLeftoverArea()}} (ha)
You need to have at least one enterprise type
Your enterprise area needs to equal the total area of your farm
Enterprise industry Enterprise type Classification Area (ha)
Enterprise industry is required
Enterprise type is required
Area is required
Area must be greater than 0
Add another enterprise type
Setup your farm map
DIY Farm Map
Load your FarmsOnline number or draw your farm boundary points using our map drawing tools.
Load map shape files
Load map shape files .shp, .shx, .prj, .dbf to load your farm map.
Professional map ($250.00)
Request FarmIQ to draw your map based on images and files you provide us. Please allow up to 7 days.
Select for $250
Setup your farm map
Enter FarmsOnline number
We could not find a FarmsOnLine farm with this number
FarmsOnLine number must be in the format AA-9999-8888 or AA99998888.

1. Go to farmsonline.mpi.govt.nz

2. Search for farm address

3. Copy and paste your FarmsOnline number, e.g. AB-1234-5678

Draw your farm boundary

1. Find your farm on the map using nearest town or landmark, GPS or your location.

2. Draw the boundary of your farm

Select pack
Need to select a farm type
Stock units are required
Herd size is required
Company access
All subscriptions payments are paid on a monthly basis. All pricing is in New Zealand dollars and exclusive of GST.
Enter your details
Complete Manager details
This person will be assigned the Farm manager role on this farm
Email is required
Email can't be longer than 255 characters
Not a valid email
There is already an account with this email address. To use this address you must choose one of the accounts below.

Existing users

{{u.name}} Use this account Deselect account
Your first name is required
Your first name can't be longer than 255 characters
Your last name is required
Your last name can't be longer than 255 characters
Username is required
Username can't be longer than 255 characters
This username is currently in use
Username cannot contain spaces
Username cannot have special characters
Password is required
Password must be longer than 4 characters
Password is required
Password can't be longer than 255 characters
Passwords don't match
Phone number is required
Your number is too long
Enter billing details Billing details are used for invoicing purposes, these can be different to your farm details
Billing trading name is required
Billing trading name can't be longer than 255 characters
Billing first name is required
Billingfirst name can't be longer than 255 characters
Billing last name is required
Billing last name can't be longer than 255 characters
Billing email is required
Billing email can't be longer than 255 characters
Not a valid email
Billing contact number is required
Your number is too long
Billing address is required
Billing address can't be longer than 50 characters
Billing address 2 can't be longer than 50 characters
Billing address 3 can't be longer than 50 characters
Billing Town is required
Billing Town can't be longer than 255 characters
Billing region is required
Billing postcode is required
Billing postcode can't be longer than 4 characters
Confirm your details to create your farm
Payment details
16 digit Farmlands card number
Farmlands card holder name
Farmlands account name
User details
First name
Last name
Contact phone
Farm details
Organisation name
Stock units
Herd size
Farm name
Farm Type
Farm name
Farm Type
Billing details
Billing name
{{dataService.billingFirstName}} {{dataService.billingLastName}}
Trading name
Billing email
Billing contact number
Billing address
Farm boundary
Boundaries {{getBoundaryNames()}}
Total area (ha) {{getAreaForBoundaries('totalArea')}}
Effective area (ha) {{getAreaForBoundaries('effectiveArea')}}
Cultivatable area (ha) {{getAreaForBoundaries('grazableArea')}}
Enterprise type Classification Area (ha)
{{typeHolder.enterpriseType.description}} {{typeHolder.classification.name}} {{typeHolder.area}}
Payment details
Your card will not be charged unless you opt to remain a FarmIQ user after the trial has ended.
Need to select a payment method
Card is required
Card number can't be longer than 25 characters
This is not a valid Farmlands card number. If you are sure it is a valid Farmlands card number contact support on 0800 myHERD (69 4373)
Month is required
Year is required
CVV is required
Show card help
Hide card help
Account name is required
Account name can't be longer than 255 characters
Name on card is required
Name on card can't be longer than 255 characters
Order summary
{{dataService.promoSelected.messageTitle}} : {{dataService.promoSelected.messageDescription}}
{{getDiscountFormatted()}} One-off discount
Subtotal {{getPriceExcGST()}}
GST {{getPriceGST()}}
Total {{getPriceIncGST()}}

Note: when your trial ends on {{trialEndDate()}} your monthly price will be {{getPriceIncGSTNoDiscount()}} (GST Included)

Note: A one-off credit of {{getOneOffDiscount()}} will be applied to your account.

Agreement to Terms & Conditions
You must accept the terms and conditions